"Misty" is a jazz standard written in 1954 by pianist Erroll Garner. He composed it as an instrumental in the traditional 32-bar format, and recorded it for the album Contrasts. Lyrics were added later by Johnny Burke. It appeared on Johnny Mathis' 1959 album Heavenly, and this recording reached number 12 on the U.S. Pop Singles chart later that year. It has since become the signature song of Mathis.
앨범 제목, 아티스트 또는 키워드 등을 검색해보세요.
벨 & 세바스찬(Belle & Sebastian)은 1996년 1월 스코틀랜드 글래스고에서 결성된 인디 팝 밴드이다. 밸 앤 세바스찬이라는 그룹명은 동명 제목의 《벨과 세바스찬》이라는 프랑스 동화책 이름에서 영감을 받았다. 스튜어트 머독이 이끄는 이 밴드는 10장의 앨범을 냈다. 대부분의 앨범들이 집스터 레코드를 통해 발매되었고 현재는 마타도르 레코드 소속이다.
Just As I Am is the debut studio album of American soul musician Bill Withers, released in 1971 on Sussex Records. The album features the hit single "Ain't No Sunshine", which was ranked at number 280 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. The album is also known for featuring the single "Grandma's Hands," which reached number 18 on the Best Selling Soul Singles chart and 42 on the Billboard Hot 100. Booker T. Jones produced, arranged, and played keyboards and guitar on Just As I Am. The album was later reissued as a dual disc with the DVD side featuring all the tracks in 5.1 Surround Sound.
A Song for You is the fourth studio album by the American music duo the Carpenters, released on June 22, 1972. According to Richard Carpenter, A Song for You was intended to be a concept album (of sorts) with the title tune opening and closing the set and the bookended selections comprising the 'song'. "A Song for You" was written by songwriter Leon Russell.
Kraftwerk는 늘 변신을 거듭했습니다. 이들은 통통 튀는 아르페지오가 흐르는 1974년 앨범 'Autobahn'을 통해 일렉트로닉 사운드로의 전환을 알렸습니다. 1975년 앨범 'Radio-Activity'에서는 더 짧으면서도 흡입력 있는 훅을 담아 본격 신스팝을 추구했죠. 그리고 1977년, 실험적 일렉트로닉 사운드와 미래주의 철학을 완벽하게 결합한 'Trans-Europe Express'를 발표합니다.